Category: Exhibitions

Second International Festival of Art for the Dialogue and Peace between peoples and religions
Second International Festival of Art for the Dialogue and Peace between peoples and religions
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq to the Holy See, 335 Camilluccia Street, Rome.
Vernissage June 13th 2012 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
On the 14th of June you can visit the exhibition from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Winter Colours
“Winter Colours”: ten contemporary artists, forty paintings exposed at the Seraphicum from 11th to 26th February. The introduction, sponsored by the Department for Cultural Politics of Rome, is in the Carroccio Room in the Municipality of Rome February 8th at 11 a.m., with the commentary by two art critics Mara Ferloni’s and Sonia Terzino.

Exhibition with paintings and drawings in Formello: Living with Energy
“Exhibition with paintings and drawings in Formello: Living with Energy”
First Energy Festival organized by the Association “Vivere in Positivo” (“Living Positively”)
From 30th to 31st July – Opening hours: 5 p.m. – midnight – Gardens of the Municipality of Formello (Rome). A cultural and holistic festival full of energy.