About me

247033_10200663198416248_601537247_n“The colour is the goal of my artistic research: through nuances and contrasts, I want to wake you up! I want to stir you up, if you need I can slap you to make you aware, to keep you awake, to make you real and excited… I need to give you more energy to let you see what I see.. to make you feel, to let you shiver as I shiver…

In my works of art I tell my visions, my dreams, what appears behind the trace…

Any colour has a specific emotion and to capture the essence, to transmit it, increased a hundred times, is my main message! I want you to be “seized” and “enchanted” as I am; because “surfing the web” together has a taste that the solitude cannot understand!!”

“If I could let you feel and experience what I feel and experience when I paint, you would be enchanted by such a joy that you would forget the existence of evil in this earth”.


letiLetizia Boccabella was born in Rome (on 28th November 1975) in a family of Musicians and Doctors. At 8 years of age, she began studying sol-fa, singing and violin but she soon felt another kind of art, another way to express herself: Painting.

At 10 years of age, she informed her father of her decision, she started to use felt-tip pens , oil pastels, water-soluble pencils as autodidact.

After her High School Diploma (Ragioneria), she studied Naturopathy. Her natural gift of ‘sensing’ things, let her to gain a deep knowledge of a particular matter of her master of science: Graphology, .
She was Friar Nazzareno Palaferri’s pupil in Urbino (Palaferri is the descendant of the founder of the Morettian Graphology. He gained a sound knowledge of this subject– 35 years of study! – with a great passion he converted Moretti’s intuition into a method).
Letizia Boccabella is deeply interested in the spiritual world and in the interior world of the human being that is the reason why she studied and has been teaching Kundalini Yoga, obtaining a Diploma of Teacher Training (1st level).

That is what’s happened in her life between 20 and 30 years of age, but being painting her natural aptitude, she decided to learn the Glazing and Scumbling Technique (Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael’s technique).
Thanks to her friend and painter Tina Jonni, Letizia acquired this new method of using colours and playing with them.
From the figurative painting, Letizia’s art explodes into a triumphant and passionate mixture of colours, where abstract art develops into a new particular way of communication and technique: the ‘Visionary art’.

She now starts to experience different techniques, combining Acrylics and Oils and using palette knife and paintbrush in order to create her unique style.

From now on, Letizia’s art is also the art of ‘emotions’; the expression of feelings and passions through the use of colours: emotions come alive in her canvas!

Letizia Boccabella’s curriculum vitae is a progressive and dynamic exhibition of her art. Her art is in great demand on a National, European and International scale.

She is now working as Naturopath, Graphologist and Kundalini Yoga teacher.